• The B.Tech. (Information Technology) Program is NBA Re-Accredited for the academic years 2022-2023 to 2024-2025 i.e., up to 30/06/2025.
• 13 students of IT department participated and won Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2022.

• Our student Mansi Agarwal (1502713052) from B.Tech-IT (Batch 2015-19) secured 2nd rank in IT Branch at university level.
• Our student Radhika Gupta (1502713074) from B.Tech- IT (Batch 2015-19) secured 4th rank in IT Branch at university level.
• Our student Swarnima Shukla (1502713112) from B.Tech- IT (Batch 2015-19) secured 8th rank in IT Branch at university level.