B. Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering 180
M. Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering 18
The Electronics and Communication stream represents two fastest growing technology areas in view of exponential growth taking place in our country. Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) involves researching, designing, developing and testing of electronic equipment used in various systems. Electronics and Communication Engineering is also considered as the backbone of the modern communication system. In the current scenario, modern applications like the Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, and Embedded Systems are highly dependent on the knowledge of ECE. Electronics and Communications engineers also conceptualize and oversee the manufacturing of communications and broadcast systems. It has an important role from defence sector to space programs to the basic need of human beings including the internet to the entertainment industry. Electronics and Communication Engineering has a wide scope as compared to other.
There are numerous opportunities to build a career after completing the engineering course in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. An individual can make his/her career in IT industry, defence, telecommunications, electronic and hardware manufacturing, embedded systems development, software development, power sector, TV and music industry, automobiles, space communications, home appliances development, electronic security systems, mobile phones testing and development, communication protocols development and optical communications development among others.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at AKGEC was established in 1998. The department provides an outstanding research environment complemented by excellence in teaching. Ever since its inception, the department has been a pioneering academic centre for technical education, research and innovation in all major areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
The department is organized in tune with these latest developments in terms of curriculum, well-qualified faculty and the state-of-the-art labs for B.Tech. (UG course) in Electronics & Communication Engineering along with M.Tech. (PG course) in Electronics & Communication Engineering. Approved intake of B.Tech. (ECE) course is 180 students and for the M.Tech. (ECE) course it is 18 students.
The department has adequate number of laboratories as per requirement (strength of students in the department and number of practical courses mentioned in syllabus scheme). These laboratories are fully equipped with latest / modern hardware kits / equipments, software tools and consumables. ECE labs have all the basic as well as advanced level facilities to fulfill the requirements of UG, PG and PhD level courses. These laboratories are fully utilized by the students and faculty members of ECE department for performing the practical experiments, doing the Project Work and Research Activities (R & D). One dedicated Lab Staff member is always present in each laboratory room. Responsibility of each lab room also has been assigned to a Faculty Lab Incharge to ensure regular maintenance and up-gradation of laboratories. ECE department also has established Texas Instruments-Centre of Excellence Lab, NI-LabVIEW Academy, Virtual Lab (with IIT Kanpur) and IoT Lab etc in collaboration with reputed industries and academic institutes.
The department has its technical society-Phoenix. The society organizes many technical competitions, quizzes, technical seminars, mock interviews, aptitude tests, project exhibition and technical paper presentation etc for the students. ECE department also has an active IEEE-Communication Society student branch chapter for organizing / participating various events at international level.
B. Tech. ECE is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).

Vision & Mission
To supplement intellect with the right skills & knowledge so as to nurture Electronics & Communication experts of tomorrow.
M1: To ensure that students acquire and sustain the right theoretical and practical electronics and communication engineering knowledge.
M2: To keep the students updated with the current Electronics and Communication Engineering developments.
M3: To assist the students to become global engineers to meet the relevant and timely needs of the society.
PEOs, POs and PSOs
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of ECE Department
PEO 1.
Engineering Graduates will excel in Electronics & Communication fields both in the industry and academics by analyzing the requirement technically and applying their knowledge in a professional manner.
PEO 2.
Will enable Engineering graduates effectively solve engineering problems and develop through research advanced Electronics & Communication devices and products.
PEO 3.
Engineering graduates will be capable of applying their knowledge both individually and as part of a team. They will be able to effectively communicate the same through the required media.
PEO 4.
Graduates will be capable of realizing the untoward and hazardous impacts of their contributions/innovations and keep ethical and societal values and responsibilities before individual achievements.
PEO 5.
Keep pace with the ongoing improvements and advancements in the field of Electronics & Communication and not only incorporate but carry forward the same.
Program Outcomes (POs) of ECE Department
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO 1.
Engineering knowledge :- Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex Electronics and Communication Engineering problems.
PO 2.
Problem analysis :- Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO 3.
Design/development of solutions :- Design solutions for complex Electronics and Communication Engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO 4.
Conduct investigations of complex problems :- Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5.
Modern tool usage :- Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6.
The engineer and society :- Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7.
Environment and sustainability :- Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO 8.
Ethics :- Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9.
Individual and team work :- Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10.
Communication :- Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11.
Project management and finance :- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12.
Life-long learning :- Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological changes in the field of Electronics and Communication.
PSO 1.
Graduates of the program will be able to analyze real world engineering problems in the field of Electronics and Communication engineering.
PSO 2.
Graduates of the program will be able to design and develop systems/processes based on core concepts of Electronics and Communication engineering to provide solution to multidisciplinary engineering problems.
Prof. (Dr.) Neelesh Kumar Gupta is a seasoned professional with an illustrious career spanning over 22 years of teaching in reputed technical institutes. He obtained Ph.D in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Rajiv Gandhi Technical University (RGTU), Bhopal (M.P.). Presently, Dr. Neelesh Kumar Gupta is working as Professor & HoD in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department & IQAC Coordinator at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad (U.P.)-India. Earlier he served in TRUBA Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Bhopal as Prof. & HoD ECE. He completed his Graduation (B.E.) in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Rajiv Gandhi Prodhyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV), Bhopal (M.P.) in 2002 and his Post-Graduation (M. Tech) from the prestigious Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal (M.P.) in 2007 with specialization in “Microwave and Millimeter Waves”.
His area of expertise/special interest includes Signal Processing, Communication Systems and Microwave Engineering. Prof. (Dr.) Neelesh Kumar Gupta has published 04 Patents (IPRs) in total including 02 Design Patents. He has published more than 35 research papers in SCI, SCOPUS Indexed, UGC approved, Peer Reviewed / reputed journals. He also has over 61 publications in reputed International/ National Conference proceedings published by IEEE Explore and Springer etc. He has successfully guided 35 M. Tech scholars for Thesis / Dissertations as well guided many UG students for Projects. He also co-authored a book titled as “Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering” for Tech-Max Publications, Pune.
Prof. (Dr.) Neelesh Kumar Gupta is an active member of several professional bodies/societies including IEEE, IETE New Delhi etc. He is the reviewer and editorial member of several International Journals of repute and also chaired Technical Sessions in many International Conferences. He has organized many Conferences, FDPs, Technical Seminars and Workshops at the institute level. His Video Lectures have been broadcasted on Swayam Prabha Channel-15 and AKTU Digital Education Portal. He was honoured with reputed “Guru Faculty Award”, with Best Teacher Award in Srijan-2015 and was also awarded by IETE on the occasion of Teachers Day.

M: +918319563978
ECE Faculty
ECE Department faculty members are motivated and encouraged for pursuing higher qualifications and attending Seminars / Workshops / Conferences and Faculty Development Programs in concerned Technical as well as Non-Technical areas.
Adequate and Well Equipped Laboratories of ECE Department
1. The department has adequate number of laboratories as per strength of students in the department and number of labs / practical courses mentioned in syllabus scheme of university AKTU, Lucknow.
2. These laboratories are fully equipped with hardware kits / equipments, software tools and consumables.
3. These labs have all the basic as well as advanced level facilities to fulfill the requirements of UG, PG and PhD level courses.
4. These laboratories are utilized by the students and faculty members of ECE department for performing the practical experiments, doing the Project Work and Research Activities (R & D).
5. One dedicated lab staff member is always present in each lab room and responsibility of each lab room has been assigned to a particular lab staff.
6. Adequate Budget is planned and expenditure is done from the allocated fund to ensure the repairing of faulty equipments, purchase of consumables, lab equipments / hardware kits and software tools.
The department is equipped with the following labs (for Odd and Even Semesters)
B. Tech. (ECE)
1. Electronics Engineering Lab
2. Digital System Design Lab
3. Electronic Devices Lab
4. Signals System Lab
5. Analog Circuit Lab
6. Microprocessors Lab
7. Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation Lab
8. Communication Engineering (Analog & Digital Communication) Lab
9. Integrated Circuits Lab
10. Digital Signal Processing Lab
11. Control System Lab
12. Microwave Engg. Lab
13. CAD of Electronics Lab
14. Microcontrollers for Embedded Systems Lab
15. Optical Communication Lab
16. Electronics Circuit Design Lab
17. Project Lab
18. Virtual Lab
19. Texas Instruments Centre of Excellence (TI-CoE)
20. NI LabVIEW Academy
M. Tech (ECE)
1. Advanced Communication Lab
2. ECE System Modeling & Simulation Lab (R & D Lab)
3. VLSI Design & Simulation (R & D Lab)
Facilities available in ECE Department Laboratories
No. |
Name of the Laboratory /
Lab venue |
Name of Lab Incharge | Name of Lab Assistant | Name of the Important Equipment/Tool |
1 | Lab-1
CAD of Electronics Lab and VLSI R & D Lab |
Ms. Divya Sharma | Mr. Kishanveer | Computer Systems with configurations as-
(a) Thirty Two i5 systems with CPU 3.40 GHz, RAM Size: 8GB Software Tools & Kits: (i) University VIVADO System Edition S, UEF-SDSOC Software Simulation Tool (25 User) with Zed Board Kit (01) (ii) Tanner EDA Software Tool with L-edit, S-edit, W-edit, T-Spice, DRC, LVS (05 User) (iii) Mentor Graphics HEP Category 2 (Front End Tools for FPGA Design) Part No. 255877 RE (25 User) (iv) CADENCE Virtuoso-University Bundle B3-Analog & Digital FE & BE Academic Suite (10 User) (v) OrCAD University PSPICE & PCB Design Bundle (10 User) (vi) XILINX ISE 10.1i (Multiuser) with SPARTAN III FPGA Kit (01) (vii) HP-Printer |
2 | Lab-2
PCB Design & Basic Electronics Lab |
Ms. Neha Garg | Mr. Satya Narayan | (i) Computer Systems (08) with Intel i5 and Intel Core2Duo Processors
(ii) PCB Prototype Machine with TINA Software (iii) PCB Design Software-SPRINT (Multiuser-05 Sets) (iv) PCB Making / Project Work related different machines / equipments: PCB Curing Machine, Photo Resist Dip Coater, Double Side UV Exposure, PCB Drilling Machine, Shearing Machine, Roller Tinning Machine, PCB Etching Machine, PCB Artwork Film Maker, Winding Machine, Motor with Regulator, Dye/Developer Proto (v) CRO, LCR Meter, Function Generator, Multimeter, Power Supply, Digital Trainer Kits, Soldering Iron (vi) HP-Printer |
3 |
Lab-3 Analog IC Lab and Signal System Lab |
Ms. Uma Sharma | Mr. Rajkumar | (i) Universal IC Tester, DSOs, CROs, Function Generators, Power Supplies (Multiple/Triple /Regulated), Multimeters, Analog & Digital Trainer Boards, ASLK PRO Boards (TI-CoE), A/D and D/A Converters Kits and study cards, V-I & I-V Converter kit, 555 Timer Kit, Filter Kit, PLL Card Kit, 741 based kits (CMRR, function generator kit, Wein Bridge, Log & Antilog, Current Source, Milliammeter, Microammeter, Breadboards
(ii) Computer Systems (30) with Intel i5, i3 and Intel Core2Duo Processors, MATLAB7 Software Simulation Tool, DSP Starter / Trainer (TMS320C6713) Kits, Headphone, D-Link Switch Port, UPS, HP-Printer |
4 | Lab-4
Communication Lab |
Mr. Rajeev Kumar Tyagi | Ms. Nilufar Yasmin | (i) 09 Computers with i5 and Core2Duo Processors, UPS, HP Printer, VisSim / Comm 8.0 Suite Software (installed in DSP Lab), Spectrum Analyzer, DSOs, CROs, Function Generators, LCR Bridge, Different Modulation and Demodulation Kits (AM, FM, PCM, PPM, PWM, ASK, FSK, PSK, TDM-PAM, Delta, TDM-PCM), Multiplexer-Demultiplexer & Coder-Decoder Kits, AM Super heterodyne Receiver and AM Generator Kit, Sampling & Reconstruction Kit, Noise Power Spectral Density Kit, Radio Receiver Trainer Kit, Voice Coding-Decoding Kit, Square wave & Triangular Wave Generator using 555 Kit, Fourier Synthesis Trainer
(ii) Transmission Line Trainer Kit, HFSS Software (installed in ECE R & D Lab), Radiation Antenna Trainer Kit, MTI MIC Micro-strip Antenna Trainer Kit, Mechanical Turn Table Kit with Radiation Pattern Software, MTI MIC Antenna Kit, Microwave Benches (iii) RTD & Thermocouple Kits (Telemetry Kits) (iv) Fiber Optic Trainer Kits, Networking Router, Networking Switch, Consumables required for Networking Lab (v) OptiSystem (Optiwave)Tool with 3 Users |
5 | Lab-5
Electronic Devices (FOED) Lab |
Mr. Gagandeep Singh | Mr. Sateesh Vishvkarma | (i) Computer with i5 processor, UPS
(ii) DSOs, CROs, Trainer Boards/Kits, Function Generators, Regulated/Multiple/ Triple/Dual Power Supplies, Multimeters (iii) IC Tester, Variack, Voltmeters, Ammeters, Breadboards (iv) Different Analog Circuit Kits like kits for Photo Diode, Instrumentation Amp, Astable and Mono-stable Multi-vibrator using IC-555, Input Output FET Characteristics, RC Coupled Amplifier, FET CS/CD Amplifier, Phase Shift Oscillator, Wein Bridge Oscillator, Transistor Differential Amplifier, Push Pull Class-B Operation Amplifier, Common Collector Amplifier, Darlington Pair Kit |
6 | Lab-6
Microprocessors Lab |
Ms. Sakshi Mittal | Mr. Awadh Kumar | (i) Computer Systems with i5 CPU 8GB RAM, i3 and Core 2 Duo Processor Configuration (07), 8086 Simulator & Emulator IDE, 8085 Simulator IDE
(ii) Microprocessor 8085 Kits, Microprocessor 8086 Kits, Motorola 68K Microprocessor Kits, MSC Trainer Boards, Interfacing Cards, (iii) Power Supplies, DSO, CRO, Multimeters, Keyboards (iv) Advance microcontroller kits Model ET-8051ADLCD, Micro-Assemblies for embedded development kit based on 89C51RD2, 89C51Trainer Cum Development Board, Micro Controller 8031, Universal Embedded trainer Kits, (v) LCD, ADC and DAC Interfacing Modules, Universal Programmers, EPROM Eraser, Keyboards |
7 | Lab-7
Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation Lab and Project Lab |
Mr. Awadh Kumar
Mr. U. S. Gahlaut Mr. Rajkumar Mr. Satya Narayan |
Mr. Om Krishna Gupta
Dr. Ritish Kumar |
(i) Computer Systems with i5 and Core2Duo Processors, DSOs, CROs, Function Generators, Multimeters
(ii) Semi Conductor Diode Voltmeter Kits, Transistor Hybrid parameter Kits, PT-100 J type & K type Transducers, Kelvin Double Bridge Kits, Pressure Transducers, RTD Thermocouple J-Type & K-Type Kits, Transient Response of RLC, Radio Receiver Kits, Distortion Factor Meter Kits, LCR Meter Bridge Kits (iii) Instrumentation Amp. Kits, PCM Kit, ADC/DAC Sample & Hold Kits, Strain Gauge Kits, Chopper Amp. Kits, Piezo Transducer Kits, Capacitive and Inductive Pickup Transducer Kits, Low Noise & Frequency Amp. Kits (iv) Measurement of Angular Displacement Kit, Quarter/half/full bridge strain cantilever Kit, LVDT Trainer Kits, Capacitive Transducers, Temperature Transducers, Optical Transducers Kits, Kits for characteristics of AD590, LDR, Photo-Transistor, Resistance Transducers, Photo-Diodes, Fiber Optics-LED, Kits for USB DAQ, Thermister Trainer, Solid State Sensor, ADC & DAC Trainer, Measurement Bridge Kits: Desauty’s, Schering, Wein and Kelvin Bridge (v) Digital Trainer Boards / Kits For Projects: (i) LCR Bridge, CROs, Power Supplies, Function Generators, Multimeters, (ii) Magnifying Glasses, Inspection Table Lamp, (iii) Soldering Station, Consumables for Project Making |
8 |
Texas Instruments (CoE) Lab and ECE R &D Lab |
Dr. Karunesh Srivastava | Ms. Deepika | (i) DSOs, Power Supplies, Function Generators, Digital Multimeters, Texas Instruments-ASLK Pro Boards/Kits (for Analog System Design), TINA Software Simulation Tool,
(ii) Texas Instruments-MSP 430 Launch Pads, Simple link Wi-Fi CC3100 Booster Packs (for Microcontrollers / Embedded System Design) (iii) Computer Systems (36) with configurations i5, i3 etc as- Software Tools & Kits etc.: (iv) MATLAB Software 2015 (10 Users) (v) ANSOFT HFSS Software-Antenna Design Simulation Tool (05 Users) (vi) OptiSystem (Optiwave)Tool with 3 Users (vii) NetSim Simulation/ Emulation Platform R & D Tool (05 Users) (viii) NI Multisim 12.0 Tool (15 Users) (ix) NI Ultiboard 12.0 Tool (01 User) (x) Sprint PCB design software (Unlimited Users) (xi) 8085 & 8086 Simulator and Emulator IDE Tools (Unlimited Users) (xii) TINA Software Tool (xiii) C & C++ (xiv) Switch Rack & D-Link 24 Port Switches (xv) HP Printer |
9 | Lab-9
Digital Electronics |
Ms. Amita Asthana | Mr. U. S. Gahlaut | (i) Computer Systems with i5 and Core2Duo Processors (04)
(ii) Digital Trainer Boards, Digital IC Tester (MME DIT-2040), Microprocessor 8085 Kits, |
10 | Lab-10
Virtual Lab and R & D Lab |
Dr. Ritish Kumar | Mr. Kishanveer | (i) Desktop Computer Systems (9) with Intel i7 (01), i5 (04) and Core 2 Duo (04) Processors
(ii) Professional Version of Visual TCAD & Genius (2D/3D) Device Simulator Systems Tool (01+03 User) (iii) SYMICA EDA (AMS)-Microelectronics Design Software Tool Kit (03+01 User) (iv) OptiSystem Software Tool (03 Users) (v) Virtual Lab & Other Software Tools |
Detail of Technical Manpower Support available in ECE Department Laboratories
Name | Designation | Qualification | Years of Experience |
Mr. Awadh Kumar | Lab Assistant | Diploma in
Electronics Engg. |
26 |
Mr. Rajeev Kumar Tyagi | Lab Assistant | Diploma in
Electronics Engg. |
26 |
Mr. Rajkumar | Lab Technician | Diploma in
Electronics Engg. |
19 |
Mr. Sateesh Vishvakarma | Lab Assistant | Diploma in
Electronics Engg. |
16 |
Mr. Upendra Singh Gahlaut | Lab Assistant | Diploma in
Electronics & Communication Engg. |
16 |
Mr. Kishanveer Singh | Lab Assistant | Certificate Course
in Computer Networking |
14 |
Mr. Satya Narayan | Lab Assistant | Diploma in Electronics Engg. | 22 |
Mr. Kishanveer Singh | Lab Assistant | Certificate Course
in Computer Networking |
14 |
Mr. Satya Narayan | Lab Assistant | Diploma in Electronics Engg. | 22 |
Utilization and Ambience of ECE Department Laboratories through Photographs
Departmental Activities
A number of Technical Activities are organized by ECE Department on regular basis for the overall devlopment of Faculty, Staff Members and Students of the department.
Departmental Society
Phoenix, the student society associated with the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, was formed on 20th September, 2005 by a group of six motivated students of batch 2006.