The students of B.Tech IV year will study Open Elective-II in their VII semester. They are therefore required to give their order of preference among the list of open electives offered for the session 2023-24. The student shall choose the open Electives from the list of open elective courses in such a manner that he/she has not studied the same course(s) in any form during the degree programme.
The order of preference for Electives is to be filled through the ERP LOGIN using the given link:
For ERP, use the following path: Student Login –> Open Elective –> Open Elective Choice
The students are required to give the order of preference for all the electives mentioned on the relevant page of the form. The first course preference should be selected as “1”, the second preference as “2” and so on.
The distribution of electives to students will be done on a merit basis. The order of preferences given by the students will be processed according to their academic performance till date.
All students are required to necessarily fill out the ERP form, latest by 10th August 2023, failing which, leftover open electives will be allotted automatically. No excuse/change shall be entertained once the electives are finalized.
A careful selection of electives, based on your interest and future plans, is expected from all the students. The students are therefore suggested to go through the syllabus of offered electives, provided in the given link:
Please note that the student shall choose an Open Elective from the list in such a manner that he/she has not studied the same course in any form during the degree programme.