S. No. | Patent Application No. | Status of Patent (Filed / Published / Granted) | Inventor/s Name | Title of the Patent | Applicant/s Name | Patent Filed Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Patent Published Date / Granted Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number | |
1 | 202111046069 | Granted | Arnav Sawhney, Harshit Kumar Rai, Adesh Kumar Shukla, Adarsh Kumar & Richa | Active Rider Safety System For Two Wheelers | Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Ms. Richa |
09-10-2021 | 12-05-2022 | 396781 | Patent |
2 | 202111019788 A | Published | Devesh Mishra, Aditya Kumar Singh, Karunesh, Amrees Pandey, Sayed Salim Sayeed, Sweta Singh, Mohit Gupta | Pipe Crawler | Devesh Mishra, Aditya Kumar Singh, Karunesh, Amrees Pandey, Sayed Salim Sayeed, Sweta Singh, Mohit Gupta | 30-04-2021 | 04-11-2022 | 202111019788 A | Patent |
3 | 202311001874 A | Pubished | Dr. Karunesh | Weed Uprooting Assistive Device | Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad | 09-01-2023 | 13-01-2023 | 202311001874 A | Patent |
4 | 202211054883 | Pubished | Sulekha Saxena, Seema Garg, Kiranjot Kaur, Richa Adlakha, Ashish Grover, Rajesh Grover, Dr Pratima Singh, Pooja Mishra | Realtime Identification And Ranking Of Health Risk Factors Using Trained Predictive Models | Sulekha Saxena, Seema Garg, Kiranjot Kaur, Richa Adlakha, Ashish Grover, Rajesh Grover, Dr Pratima Singh, Pooja Mishra | 25-09-2022 | 07-10-2022 | 202211054883 | Patent |
5 | 202211056620 | Pubished | Prasen Jeet, Smrati Tripathi, Seema Garg, Sulekha Saxena, Bharat Gupta, Praveen Kumar | Machine Learning Based Disease Detection Using Openvino Technology | Prasen Jeet, Smrati Tripathi, Seema Garg, Sulekha Saxena, Bharat Gupta, Praveen Kumar | 02-10-2022 | 14-10-2022 | 202211056620 | Patent |
6 | 202211063521 | Pubished | Ms. Sulekha Saxena, Dr. Ram Sewak Singh, Dr. Praveen Kumar, Dr. Devendra Kumar Sinha, Dr.Seema Garg, Dr. Smriti Tripathi, Dr. Pushpendra Singh | A Tongue-Driven Vehicle With Vehicle Tracking Technology And Flexible Speed Regulation For People With Disabilities” |
Ms. Sulekha Saxena, Dr. Ram Sewak Singh, Dr. Praveen Kumar, Dr. Devendra Kumar Sinha, Dr.Seema Garg, Dr. Smriti Tripathi, Dr. Pushpendra Singh | 07-11-2022 | 18-11-2022 | 202211063521 | Patent |
7 | 202311030989 | Published | Meenakshi Awasthi,Asheesh Yadav,Ayush Sharma,Aslam Ahmad,Chetan Tomar | Amphibious Garbage Collection System | Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad | 01-05-2023 | 09-06-2023 | 202311030989 | Patent |
8 | 202311001875A | Published | Dr. Abhijeet Upadhya | Hybrid Wireless Network Communication System | Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad | 09-01-2023 | 13-01-2023 | 202311001875A | Patent |
9 | 202311012082 | Published | Pratima Singh, Ishaan Saxena, Pranjali Singh, Shreyas Maitreya, Seema Garg | Emotional health management system: amultimodal Approach to emotion detection using transfer learning and Transformer model | Pratima Singh | 07.10.2022 | 21.02.2023 | 202311012082 | Patent |
10 | 367902-001 | Granted | Devesh Mishra, Karunesh, Krishna Kant Agarwal, Avinash Kumar Sharma | Device For Testing Moisture Control In Soil | Devesh Mishra, Karunesh, Krishna Kant Agarwal, Avinash Kumar Sharma | 18-07-2022 | 20-04-2023 | 367902-001 | Design |
11 | 365603-001 | Published | Devesh Mishra, Karunesh, Amrees Pandey, Sharad Kumar Singh | Iot Based Drainage Pipes Cleaning Robot | Devesh Mishra, Karunesh, Amrees Pandey, Sharad Kumar Singh | 04-11-2022 | 24-03-2023 | 365603-001 | Design |
12 | 374833-001 | Granted | Devesh Mishra, Karunesh, Rekha Srivastava, Mayuri Kulshreshta | Sensor Assembly To Detect Gas Leakage And Blockage In Pipelines | Devesh Mishra, Karunesh, Rekha Srivastava, Mayuri Kulshreshta | 30-11-2022 | 25-01-2023 | 374833-001 | Design |
13 | 380553-001 | Granted | Dr. Neha sharma, Dr. Meenakshi Awasthi, Dr. Akhilendra Khare, Er. Kamalpreet Gaur gaura |
A Novel Hydraulic PLC Based Wireless Automated Guided Robotic Patient Lifts | Dr. Neha sharma, Dr. Meenakshi Awasthi, Dr. Akhilendra Khare, Er. Kamalpreet Gaur gaura |
01-03-2023 | 15-05-2023 | 380553-001 | Design |