To attain high standards of comprehensive services related to dissemination of required information by adoption of state-of-the-art technology thereby creating a welcoming and comfortable physical environment for the user.
We strive to provide and maintain state-of-the-art comprehensive resource center of books and journals and most efficient library service environment for dissemination of required knowledge to our faculty and students.

About the Library

The AKGEC Library System comprises of a Central Library, eight Departmental Libraries and five Hostel Libraries. The Central Library, housed in the Administrative Block of the College, consists of two sections spread over 1465 Sq Mtrs with a total seating capacity for 344 users. Comfortable study space is provided for faculty, staff and students in the form of reading hall, study cubicles, digital library and faculty reading room.

The library system is very user friendly with sufficient resources to meet the requirements of the users. Addition of resources as per the requirements and norms is a regular feature. Sufficient numbers of qualified staff are employed to manage the activities of the library.

The state-of-the-art facilities include KOHA Open Source Library Management Software which also has Web Based Online Public Access Catalogue (Web OPAC), Digital Library, Institutional Repository Server on DSpace software, Membership to DELNET and National Digital Library.

The Departmental and Hostel libraries are managed and run by the respective departments and hostels with resources taken on loan from Central Library. All students, faculty and staff of the College are entitled to take membership and make use of the library facilities. Admission to the Central Library is through Identity/Library Card which is scanned at the entrance to keep record of the users. The library is under camera surveillance through ten cameras that have been installed at various locations. The library attracts an average of 350 users on a regular working day.

Knowledge Resources

The Central Library of the college has an invaluable collection of text and reference books, journals and e-journals and a variety of multi-media resources. At present, the total number of titles and volumes on Science, Technology, Humanities and Management are around nine thousand and one lac respectively. The library subscribes to over 5808 E-resources/International Journals and over 106 National Journals. The digital library has a diverse collection of over 5,700 multimedia resources. In addition, the library maintains seminar reports, project reports and thesis of students. A separate section with more than 1000 books on personality development and competitive examination preparation are available. All these resources are constantly getting added and increased. The Central Library also subscribes to more than 35 magazines and 12 newspapers.

Library Automation

The Library uses KOHA software package, an Open Source Library Management System, to support all in-house operations of the library with barcode technology and circulation of Information through E-mail. It consists of modules on acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, reports and Web based Online Public Access Catalogue (Web OPAC). The database of books available in the Library is updated on day-to-day basis with details of recently acquired books. Record of all the library users has also been created in the KOHA software package.

Web based Online Public Access Catalogue (Web OPAC) has been introduced for library data search by users. Web OPAC is a powerful search engine for finding any cataloguing information from KOHA bibliographic database on-line. The resources can be searched based on title of the book, author of the book, subject, publication or accession number of the book.

Library Hours

Monday-Saturday : 8:15 AM to 9:00 PM

Sunday and Holidays : Closed

(Self reading area for students is kept open from 9 AM to 5 PM on Sunday/Holiday)

Special arrangements are made to keep the Library open up to 12 O’clock midnight before and during the minor and major examinations.

Digital Library

The Digital Library provides visual media in all formats to support teaching and research. The collection includes DVDs and CD-ROMs for use by AKGEC faculty, staff and students within the library. The collection is constantly being updated and expanded to address the specific study and research needs of the AKGEC community. There are 15 multimedia PCs for use on a walk-in basis in the Digital Library. Users can access Digital Library from anywhere in the campus through IP. An online catalogue of CDs / DVDs is also available for their reference.

The Institutional Repository DSpace has been recently installed to facilitate the users to access multiple resources like e-Journals, question papers and model solutions, news paper clippings and administrative norms / policies of the college.

The library subscribes to a variety of e-journals including Wiley Engineering e-Journals, Wiley Management e-Journals, Springer Nature e-Journals, Taylor & Francis e-Journals, Gale e-Journals, EBSCO, ELSEVIER Science Direct, Emerald Management E-Journals. In addition, the library is a member of DELNET, National Digital Library and Institution of Engineers India for access to a variety of articles and books. The following e- resources are subscribed by the Institute:


S. No. Publication Subject Areas  Access
1. Wiley Engineering e-Journals ME+EC+CS&IT+CE & other Engineering Branches 200 E-Journals
2. Wiley Management e-Journals Applied Science (Business Management) 250 E-Journals
3. Springer Nature e-Journals Applied Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Business Management), CS & Other Engineering 1212 E-Journals
4. Taylor & Francis e-Journals Titles – Pharmaceutical Science & Toxicology Pharmaceutical Science & Toxicology 28 E-Journals
5. Taylor & Francis e-Journals Titles -Business, Management & Economics Business, Management & Economics 128 E-Journals
6. Gale: Pharmacy Collection e-Journals Pharmacy Collection e-Journals Title counts: Total titles=827; Total Journals / Magazine = 770, Refereed/ Peer-reviewed=689,Total full-text titles=441 (no embargo = 415 titles, with embargo = 26 titles),  Total newsletter, reports = 57
7. EBSCO: Hospitality & Tourism Complete Database Coverage – E-Journals & E-Magazines Hospitality & Tourism Complete Database Coverage – E-Journals & E-Magazines 837 Databases, E-Journals & Magazines
8. EBSCO: Art & Architecture Source Database Coverage – E-Journals & E-Magazines Art & Architecture Source Database Coverage – E-Journals & E-Magazines 1818 Databases, E-Journals & Magazines
9. ELSEVIER : Science Direct Engineering E-Journals EC+CS&IT & other Engineering Branches 296 E-Journals
10. Emerald: Management E-Journals Business, Management & Economics 212 E-Journals
11. DELNET General Engineering & Reference Access Millions of Networked Library Resources: 5,000+ Full-text E-journals, 40,000+list of Journals, 1,00,000+ Thesis/Dissertations & 2,90,00,000+ Books available for loan
12. National Digital Library of India (NDL) General Engineering & Reference 64,651,364 resources of Engineering, Science, Humanities etc.
Total: 5808 E-journals



S. No. Publication Subject Areas  Access
1. Taylor & Francis eBook Titles – Architecture CE + Architecture 502 E-books
2. Taylor & Francis eBook Titles – Computer Science Computer Science 1045 E-books
3. Taylor & Francis eBook Titles – Civil Engineering Civil Engineering 477 E-books
4. Taylor & Francis eBook Titles – Allied Sciences Applied Science & Engineering 2008 E-books
5. Taylor & Francis eBook Titles – Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 456 E-books
6. Taylor & Francis eBook Titles – Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering 777 E-books
7. Taylor & Francis eBook Titles – Pharmacy Pharmacy 321 E-books
8. BSP Books Pvt. Ltd – eBooks All Engineering Branches 135 E-books
9. Taylor & Francis eBooks – Covered under Architecture, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical & Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences Architecture, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical & Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences 6600 E-books
10. Cambridge University Press E-Books Applied Science, Architecture, Civil, CS & IT, EN, EC, ME, Business Administration, Others 1666 E-books
11. Pearson Education – E-books All Engineering Branches 94 E-books
12. Emerald: Indian Case Collection Applied Science 512 E-books & Cases
13. DELNET General Engineering & Reference Access Millions of Networked Library Resources: 5,000+ Full-text E-journals, 40,000+list of Journals, 1,00,000+ Thesis/Dissertations & 2,90,00,000+ Books available for loan
14. National Digital Library of India (NDL) General Engineering & Reference 64,651,364 resources of Engineering, Science, Humanities etc.
Total: 14,593+ E-books


Reference Section

The Central Library maintains a separate reference section consisting of text books, reference books, encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries and competitive books for GATE, CAT, GRE and GMAT. One copy of each title of Books is kept in Not-For-Issue (NFl)/Reserved Section for the reference of the users within the library only. The Reference Section resources may be issued, if necessary, for overnight after permission from the Senior Librarian.

Reference staff is also available in the reference section/reading section to suggest sources of information and to assist in locating the required resources.

Reference Section hosts sitting area which includes 9 cubicles with each cubicle having seating for 4 students provides privacy without any disturbance to other students.

Periodical Section

The Central Library subscribes to National and International journals as per AICTE norms in electronic as well as print form in the fields related to science, engineering, technology, management and humanities. Besides the current journals library also maintains a rich collection of old journals. All latest journals can be referred within the library. E-journals including Wiley Engineering e-Journals, Wiley Management e-Journals, Springer Nature e-Journals, Taylor & Francis e-Journals, Gale e-Journals, EBSCO, ELSEVIER Science Direct, Emerald Management E-Journals can be accessed in the Digital Library which is equipped with computer systems and multimedia facility.

Book Bank

In addition to well maintained Circulation and Reference Sections, the college has a rich Book Bank exclusively for students. The Book Bank is very helpful in fulfilling students’ requirements for the University prescribed text books on semester basis without spending much on it.

The Book Bank, with a collection of about 71,000 books, assists the students by issuing text books on loan for the whole academic semester according to the rules framed for the purpose. Under this scheme every student is issued on loan a set of one or two books for each subject for the full semester. The books are required to be returned at the end of each semester and a set of books is issued at the beginning of next semester.

A compactor storage system has been installed recently to provide increased storage, easy access / retrieval and protection from dust etc of large number of books of Book Bank.

Library Membership

The students, faculty and staff of the College can register themselves for the membership of the Library. The users are issued bar-coded cards. Their entitlements, in terms of the number of books that can be borrowed by them, are as follows:

  • Faculty members : Two books for semester and three books for a month
  • Staff members : Two books for a month
  • PG students : Three books for a month
  • UG students : Two books for ten days

Two extra books are provided to the eligible students for one month under the Social Welfare Scheme.

Extra book Facility for Toppers

A special facility is provided to the meritorious students in the form of issue of three extra books for one month.

Book Reservation

In case of non-availability of the desired book in the library the book can be noted and reserved for the user and issued as soon as other user returns the book.

Institutional Membership/ Inter Library Loan

The Central Library offers inter-library loan service to its users for the books and periodicals not available in the AKGEC Library by procuring them from other libraries. The AKGEC library has membership of DELNET and National Digital Library which facilitate sharing of resources among member libraries.

DELNET has been established with the prime objective of promoting resource sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries. Members of AKGEC Central Library can utilize this facility through central library. The resources available under DELNET network include Union Catalogue of Books and Periodicals and database of thesis and dissertations.

National Digital Library (NDL), coordinated by IIT Kharagpur and sponsored by MHRD, has 6.5 million resources available on a single portal where resources can be read online or downloaded. The resources include text books and audio and video content.

Departmental Libraries

There are eight departmental libraries which have collection of subject books, project reports and old issues of journals relating to their Branch. The resources are provided on loan from the Central Library on semester basis. The departmental libraries are open for use by faculty members and are managed by the respective departments.

Hostel Libraries

The five Hostel Libraries, two in girls’ hostels and three in boys’ hostels, maintain general books, novels, books on short stories, personality development and motivational reading. These libraries also maintain newspapers and magazines. Hostel libraries are managed by the students who are paid suitable remuneration.

True Reader Award

With the aim to encourage students to use the library regularly and inculcate good reading habits, “True Reader Award” has been introduced. The award, including cash prize and certificate, is given to top-user students who use the Central Library for at least 25 hours over minimum 10 days after college hours.

Earn While You Learn

Under the very successful scheme of Earn While You Learn, students are encouraged to work in the library to support the library staff in activities such as book labeling, book listing, newspaper clipping records and digital library maintenance. The students work after college hours and are paid remuneration for their services. Their dedication and enthusiasm is exhibited in the effectiveness of their gaining confidence of learning the working mechanisms of library administration.

Additional Facilities

News Paper Clippings : Clippings of the latest news related to college events, AICTE, AKTU and other Engineering Colleges are maintained on daily basis for ready reference purposes.

Reprographic Services : The Reprographic Services are extended through an external outfit which operates within Central Library premises for easy access by users. The services include photocopying, scanning, print outs and spiral binding.

College Event Photographs : Event wise photographs are maintained for easy and ready availability of photographs for students.

Laptop Charging Point, Internet Connecting Point and Wi-Fi : These arrangements facilitate uninterrupted usage of student laptops to allow them work for longer durations.

Faculty Reading Area : A separate space has been provided in the reference section for usage by faculty members.

Library Staff

The library has well qualified, experienced and friendly staff who are always willing to offer their best services at all times.

Prof. I P Sharma Dean Library
Dr. Shiv Shankar Srivastava Senior Librarian
Ms. Kavita Kulshreshtha Assistant Librarian
Mr. Ram Abhilash Library Assistant
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Library Assistant
Mr. Shobhit Kumar Sharma Library Assistant
Mr. Rajkumar Sharma Library Assistant
Mr. Balkishan Book Lifter
Mr. Rajeev Sharma Book Lifter
Mr. Ratan Singh Library Attendant
Mr. Brijender Singh Library Attendant

Catalogue Search / OPAC

Catalogue search / Online Public Access Catalogue (Web OPAC) has been introduced for library data search by users, OPAC is a powerful search engine for finding any cataloguing information from Koha bibliographic database on-line.

The resources can be searched based on:

  1. Title of the book
  2. Author of the book
  3. Publication
  4. Subject
  5. Accession Number of the book. etc.

Rules and Regulations for the Library Users

  • Library users must show their Identity cum library card at the security point. In case, the member does not possess his/her identity card, he/she is not permitted to enter the library.
  • Personal belongings like bags, books, etc. are not allowed inside the library in any case.
  • Identity cum library cards is non-transferable. Use of other’s library card is a punishable conduct. The borrower as well as authorized holder of the card may be punished for such an act.
  • Library hours are 8:30 AM – 9:00 PM on working days and during examination period library hours are extended till 12:00 midnight. Books are issued from 8:45 AM to 3:45 PM only. Reservation of books is made between 8:45 AM to 3:30 PM only.
  • Return of books after the due date will attract a fine of Rs.5/- per day per volume. The amount of fine would not exceed double the cost of the book.
  • In case of late Issue of Book Bank Books Rs. 5/- is charged per day for delayed collection from scheduled date limited upto Rs. 50/-. List of defaulters is sent to respective HoD’s after one week and submitted to Director after 10 days. 
  • Reference books are issued only under special circumstances with prior permission of Senior Librarian/Asst. Librarian between 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM for overnight. Deposition of the reference book should be made positively on the next day up to 10:00 AM, failing which a fine of Rs.20/- is charged for each day. The user who does not deposit the reference book in time is treated as defaulter and refrained from issue of reference book in future.
  • Question Papers & Solutions and other library materials are issued for Xerox for an hour only; late submission attracts a fine of Rs.2/- per hour per document.
  • Borrowers must check the condition of the book before borrowing; they are responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.
  • Leaving circulation counter without ensuring that the book(s) have been returned is a punishable conduct. For doing so a fine of Rs. 50/- is charged even if book is traced later on.
  • No book is renewed/re-issued on same day.
  • If a book is already issued to a student, another copy of the same book cannot be issued to or reserved for him/her.
  • The latest edition of book is only accepted in replacement of a lost/damaged book along with a fine of Rs.50/- as processing fee. If the book is not available in the market / publisher, double the cost of book is charged. 
  • Misplacing/marking/tearing of books is punishable offence. Any user caught for such offence would be fined Rs.1000/- and may even lead to withdrawal of library facility to him/her.
  • If any student is caught stealing from the library, a fine of Rs. 2000/- is imposed on him/her in addition to suitable disciplinary action.
  • Disciplinary action is taken against Library users found misbehaving with the library staff. 
  • The loss of Identity card/library membership card is to be informed immediately to the Senior Librarian.
  • For duplicate Identity card (in case of lost card), the student has to make a written request to the Director and has to deposit a fine of Rs.300/- for duplicate card. A fine of Rs.100/- is to be paid as the processing fee for the replacement of ragged/damaged PVC Identity card or taking Identity card very late.
  • Timing for other library services has been fixed which are subjected to change in the interest of the library users.
  • Library users must ensure that their activities do not disturb the fellow users.